This blog entry will be about lifestyle and how our choices affect our frequency and sense of connection to all creation. This is a pretty hefty topic made heavier by the fact that much of the content for this class is rooted in spiritual alchemy, which unfortunately is often perceived as "New Age", occult or even Satanic. The knowledge of spiritual alchemy is a path toward union very much like Yoga. Many of us sense deep within there is a yearning for connection. Often this connection we attempt to fulfill through the desires of the lower energy centers, specifically sex. Our perceived solutions will often rise from the place of uncultivated awareness, and many of us have no idea what to do with this sense of uneasiness or imbalance so we seek out solutions from the outside world. The uneasy feeling is because we are not whole within. We think we have separate aspects, the body, the mind, the ego, the spirit, organs, glands, chakras etc... We spend alot of time fixating and studying these seeming separate aspects not realizing we simply feel separate and in truth are not. We often understand this intellectually, however embracing techniques which can facilitate true centered-ness opens us up to feeling what has always been present, wholeness or union. As we learn to relate to our inner stillness, presence, pure consciousness, or our center we can see how our little self or personality has been who we have identified with as our true nature for the vast majority of our lives. When we are identified with our personality we are identified with our aspects which are in flux and changeable, our emotions and thoughts; and this is why many of us are so thrown off by our moods, stuck feelings, and self sabotage. Awareness is the path for all humanity, and what it is we need to learn at a given point in our lives will come to the surface as a desire of some sort. If we need to learn about sex then the pressure of sex will rise frequently and we will have little peace. Think about the built in release valve each one of us has the choice of using when we can no longer handle the pressure. We become so uneasy and horny that our clear thinking is distorted and there is little else we can focus on; so many of us find a way to ejaculate. Throughout history religion has judged the ways in which we choose to release this pressure. Religion has passed a moral judgement on what sexual practices were "good or bad". The ways we choose to express ourselves sexually have little to do with spiritual alchemy or Tantra. The positive and negative (I am referring to a polarity here) of how we utilize this very functional energy is pinned to the choice of the individual to release though ejaculation/peak orgasm or not. We have a choice to cease to use sexual energy for pleasure or procreation instead using it to activate our spiritual potential and skills.
The Bible has two interpretations esoteric and exoteric. Either we can interpret it literally or can look at its as containing veiled meaning.
Genesis 1:7 "Then God said, 'Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.' God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so. God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day."
The Bible to me and many mystery traditions is a template for Union or Yoga. If you study the anatomy of the body you can clearly see how the physical water is distributed, the lower waters are the sexual secretions, the higher waters are the ventricles of the brain and the mostly aqueous pineal gland, with the path or River connecting being the fluids contained within the spinal cord. Between the waters below and the waters above are fire and air. When fire, sexual/creative energy, is ignited, conserved, and consciously utilized the waters below are boiled and the element becomes gaseous. The journey up the spine moves through a series of hydraulic valves or the Bandhas as they are called in Yoga. When we breath consciously we distribute the sexual energy and transmute it's nature from sexual to heart centered, and eventually as we heal the wounds of the past and continue to create a more harmonious inner experience, the waters below are joined with the waters above, and the Pineal gland becomes active; we are granted direct experience of creation beyond the material.
This is a great video about the Bible and sexual energy
The purpose of a connection practice, Tantra, is to create a union energetically between two individuals in a non attached or sticky manner. This is the creation of a third form or a "We", essentially the energetic offspring of the knitting or union of two or more auras. When we learn we can have fruitful connections with others, without expecting anything in return or even talking for that matter, we are able to open up the the healing energy which flows through each of us as a form of pressure there by expediting the process of this spiritual ascension. A balanced ascension process is always preceded by grounding into one's body and the balancing of the various endocrine excretions. When we connect with others in a energetically balanced way we feel more comfortable in our own skin, and when we feel more comfortable/centered we experience more of what creation has to offer. Many of the endocrine glands in the body function to promote bonding by creating a feeling of well being internally. When we cultivate these excretions without releasing sexual energy we will feel calmer and satisfied, and when we release through ejaculation our awareness once again descends back into lower chakra densities/vibration and we are once again encouraged through the rising desire for sex and connection to start the process anew.
All of our health practices play into creating a Union within. Poor health can be a hindrance to spiritual alchemy. Every chakra in the body operates on polarities meaning they can function well or they can restrict the flow of energy due to dis-function. What many of us forget is that the words we use to describe various physical manifestations of our karma or personal health choices naturally imply a polarity is possible; for example, dis-ease implies ease and dis-function implies the possibility of functional. When we cease to be victims and change our mindset to accept this possibility we free ourselves from feeding the dis-ease state and we can redirect the energy toward changing our health practices and healing. Just remember energy is consciousness and consciousness is guided by our awareness. If we perceive the dis-ease as permanent then we will feed energy into that loop. This is not about the denial of dis-ease, but it is about the recognition that continuously feeding the dis-ease state through our fixation (positive or negative) will perpetuate its process. The dis-ease is ours, we are not victims, and the most powerful influence and force in our lives is or very own consciousness as it is a reflection and continuous with all creation.
The Body is Life and Life has nothing to offer except Flow.
For more information about Soma's classes and services please contact Akal at
The Body is Life and Life has nothing to offer except Flow.
For more information about Soma's classes and services please contact Akal at
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