Movement for the People: Duality

The one thing to remember when you are on any path is that you will progress only as fast as the Universe allows. This is an encompassing statement, one that connects with truths on a conscious and subconscious level. Many of the mechanisms we as humans use to protect ourselves are absolutely necessary. Armoring, or physical tension, keeps energy from moving up or down. This may sound like a problem, but the truth is tension beckons for us to do the work necessary to better knit together our various aspects, mind body spirit. Tension only releases when we have created the necessary sensitivity in that area of the body, and the voyage too that place of ease requires we confront the emotional states which have settled in that area. By spending time with our body, feeling all that is present both emotionally and physical, and escaping the cycle of pain avoidance; we essentially send a signal to the body that it is secure and OK to let go of its protective armoring.

 Fear is necessary, it is protective, and it’s just that it also is a great way to control groups of people. Watch the news or some of the more negative YouTube conspiracy videos, and will almost certainly experience confusion and fear. Again, this is not necessary a bad thing unless we choose to dwell and live in that fear. The use of meditating on love is to reveal our fear. Love is directional and can be used to bring us back into our bodies as well as connecting to higher vibration rates, but remember it is necessary to create a relationship with the body. The heart, where we feel love, has a larger magnetic field than even the brain; it is where we develop our emotional understanding, and it’s the navigation system for us on Earth. As a technique try the following:
  1. Feel Love; do not define it, or dwell in the associations we have with love, let the word go; just feel it.
  2. Slowly while maintaining Love, feel your body from the heart downward, feel each area in detail, stop and spend time with all that is felt; feel your ribs, abs, back, hips, inside the pelvis, thighs, knees, calves, shins, ankles, and feet. Notice the sense of calm (this is the slower resonances of the lower charkas), and notice all that arises- physical pain, emotional pain, mental noise, etc. There is nothing to correct, only to witness; all will dissolve into consciousness with time
  3. After you have made the journey to the feet bring your sense of feeling and awareness up to the space between the eyebrows. Stop trying to do anything, and just be. Spend a few minutes at this place, and just witness all that rises, all that is You.
  4. Next feel Love once again, and begin to radiate outward; feel your upper back, shoulders, arms, forearms, hands and fingers. Again, explore all that is present both soothing and painful.
  5. Then bring your awareness back up to the space between the brow. Just BE
  6. Finally, Feel love. Feel your neck, throat, face, forehead, the space between the brow, inside the head, be aware of your hearing, the air moving in and out of the nasal passages, feel all that is physically You; next bring you awareness to the space above the head and spend some time.
  7. Then bring your sense of feeling back to the space between the brow, and observe all that comes up without attachment. Just BE

In Yoga we are courting dualities, but the ultimate point is that of Union. We utilize concepts of mother and father, Earth and heaven, slower resonance and faster resonance, light and dark, fear and love, inhale and exhale. As we embrace and become familiar with these oppositional forces we realize there is, equilibrium, balance, neutrality, a witness, and all creation. All creation contains within it light and dark, not just one or the other, and if we work within one or the other energies then we are denying and escaping the other half of what has been created for us to experience. Consciousness alone brings us back to the source of all creation. If we choose to only dwell in love then we are denying the relevance of the darker and slower vibration states, which can be a source of great healing. For example, the focus of many energy work modalities is to raise the Kundalini; when the energy begins to ascend it will course a path through all the lower charkas showing us what has been lying dormant. As each stuck emotion becomes unstuck we are rewarded, with grace and the gifts which come from freely moving energy. Now if we are only meditating on the higher charkas and resonances then we have not created a relationship with the mother Earth, we may feel detachment or spaced out. Lower charkas do not imply a hierarchy just a location and a vibration rate. If we do not confront what’s down below there is no ascension to higher vibration rates, at least not in a balanced manner. Again, we will only progress as fast as the depth of relationship we develop with ourselves.


to schedule a private Yoga Therapy session contact Akal at

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