Akal, aka Joel Akins-Etienne

Our Present was conceived in the past and our future is now. The purpose of the business is to convey the message that our health is our responsibility, and we have the power to heal ourselves through the utilization of various techniques and understandings.  The relationships we develope with ourselves will either hinder or aid our very individual evolution toward a conscious and healthful life. Relationship = Time Spent.

Joel Akins-Etienne M.S., is an 11year veteran of the health and wellness industry. He has worked as a personal trainer, wellness consultant and Kundalini Yoga Teacher.

"My partner Terry and I have worked with Joel for several years now. And that in itself is a miracle.  He keeps us going and varies the session so that they never become boring.  Joel is easy to work with and he has helped us achieve a level of fitness and general good health.  I am 68 and was able to bike 33 miles yesterday because I have consistently stayed in shape.  Maybe some people have the discipline to train on their own, but I don't and Joel has been there to help me along my path to physical agility and stamina."

Dan B.

Movement for the People and Human Design
                                        It's not change, It's about you becomming more of who you are!

Movement for the People is the rediscovery of the primal patterns of motion and diet inherent to humanity. There are no new movements or styles of training, we are simply accessing potential. The nervous system is malleable by nature, which means in order to access our potential and cultivate new perceptions all we need to do is consciously participate in some new behavioral pattern which is inherent too our being. The pathways practiced crystallize after a 40 day period; new strengths are cultivated, we are steadier, more confident and new growth patterns are established. Ultimately the joy of movement is rediscovered no matter what the environment. The progress we make with our inner life is radiated outwardly and reflected in our outer life. Your work will improve, your love life will improve, your health will improve, your creativity enhanced, and you will come to know Joy. Technologies utilized include; Kundalini Yoga, Chi Kung, Pilates, tradtional strength training, meditation, grounding strategies, Human Design, natural rhythm dietary awarness. It’s not the technique or the teacher which is responsible for the wholeness you will experience it’s your desire and efforts.

The program duration: 3 sessions - 18 sessions; there is no additional commitment after this time. You will never need to visit another gym, nutritionist, yoga studio, or hire a personal trainer ever again; because the wisdom gained over the course of this program can be applied anywhere and is your inheritance as a Human.  call for addition details- (773)236-7662

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