Movement for the People: Higher self

Think of the higher self as the all wise Guru who is with you always. The beautiful thing about the higher self is that it has a polar opposite ....... lower self or limited self (surprise!). On the material plane we are subject to dualities (this is how our limited senses perceive), such as good or bad, right or wrong, dark and light, hot and cold. We, humanity, are "meaning making machines" we like to define everything because we feel by defining something it gives us a clear understanding about how that thing applies to our lives. The truth is that our defining only limits what is being defined and also the one doing the defining. If you look at a Tree and say mentally "that s an Oak, it has green leaves, brown trunk, its tall, makes wonderful furniture, I have a desk at home made of Oak, oh look a those dogs over there running in the park...."; the point is you missed the essence of the Thing we call Tree with the defining and the associated tangent; duality is perceptual but actually ,All is One, so dualities are more like a test for us to see the whole. The same thing applies when we are confronted with decisions we need to make. For example we feel hungry, we go to the cupboard, pull out some snacks, take them to the living room and eat the who box in front of the TV. My guess is that none of us would feel too fantastic after consuming in such an impulsive manner (service to the limited self). So next time ask yourself when you hungry for junk food or in any other scenario when you need help making a decision: 1. Rejoice that you are even pausing to do this in the first place 2. Am I actually hungry or am i just eating emotionally or am I bored? 3. Finally, if you are hungry, ask your self who is this serving? The answer may not come in the form of words, but instead as a feeling or intuitive guidance which might give you the impression that you are truly in conflict with this choice. If you are in conflict with a decision that you are not serving the higher/unified self. The same procedure can be used for any idea which you keep talking yourself out of. Its simply a process which grants you distance and a perspective for the decision at hand; also its an opportuity to transcend duality and align your decisions with the flow of the universe.


to schedule a private Yoga Therapy session contact Akal at

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