Manifesting a Headache in the New Age

About seven years back I was watching the movie "The Secret" and got seriously excited about our potential capacity to manifest what it is we want in this life through a process that involves changing the way we perceive reality and creating new directions through setting intention. I followed the instructions given for manifesting on the material plane as instructed by the many experts interviewed for this documentary. I drew pictures, created positive mantras, and obsessed. The results, a headache for my efforts in the short term. In the long term the process of manifesting can take some time, which is why many of us simply give up on the process all together. Many ancient philosophies often state its the dreamer who is creating the dream, restated in a not so cryptic or poetic way: its consciousness itself which is creating the world we live in and it all begins with the intention. The frustrating part of this process has to do with the fact that we live in a dimension, the material plane, which is very dense; and its because of this density it takes time for manifestation to occur once the dream has been dreamt. Another part of the equation has to do with our ability to receive. If we are not present, if we are not clear, if we are not functioning from our inner authority then many of the opportunities which are there for us too encourage the creation of the lives we desire are simply over looked; also we need to be ready to receive. Many of us who are given aid and supported often have a very difficult time accepting what comes our way in preference for the " I can do it myself attitude"; many of us need to just admit that we cannot do it ourselves.

So whats the difference between going with the flow and manifesting. Going with the flow is surrender and manifesting is action oriented, divine feminine and divine masculine respectively. I have found so far in my life there needs to be a balance. When I was strictly attempting to manifest I was often off balance from all the push in my life which resulted in a number of discomforts including headaches. When I went to the extreme other side I became in many ways disconnected with my mission in this life time; doing nothing is not what is meant by the word surrender. A broader definition of Surrender is both action and inaction, it is ultimately knowing what is correct for you through your inner authority and its the signals from our body that indicate whether or not we are attune to flow. Flow is the creative energy of the universe moving through us; this is a massive force which is limited by our beliefs and fears. The first step in manifesting is simply to pay attention, surrender to flow, and make decision based on what rises from within. We are all conditioned: we are told how too think in school, how to behave by our parents, told whats desirable by our culture and in the end we end up living lives which are not our own. If we are attempting to manifest from a place of conditioned desires or standards then we simply will continue to manifest what is  not correct for us, like how I manifested a headache while trying to manifest a fortune :) Its through authentic living we are rewarded with the lives we are meant to live, which may not necessarily be the same as how we think we should be living.

 For more on inner authority you can schedule a Human Design (based on astrology) reading from Akal:,

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