...And the consumer is consumed, such is "freedom"

We all necessarily interact with society around us. Either we choose to flow with it or to act in a contrary manner. If we choose to flow with society the potential difficulty is the need to satisfy what is considered normal, and we may find ourselves being manipulated by human constructs which do not have our best interests in mind. Normal can not be qualified, described, or evenly consistently quantified (insurance companies and statistics may lead you to believe otherwise). If we choose to move in a contrary manner to society then we are at risk of rebelling against everything, which might feel noble, is ultimately taxing and limits our ability to feel accepted and loved. The systems can be changed, the people cannot, they can only flow with the change which is occurring constantly as an aspect of natural law.

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

This film inspired this blog entry and woke me up to the fact that we have a choice in how we want to live as a collective, Brilliant!

What can we do? We can learn about the systems which are in place and how those systems effect us emotionally, physically and spiritually. The first question to ask yourself is "What does Freedom mean to me". The notion of freedom as defined by the systems which make our laws and dictate the buying power of the money we trade our energy for is- We the people of the United States (not humanity) have the right to buy so much crap we have to buy larger spaces to put our crap; we the people of the United States have the freedom to express what it is we want to express and we have the freedom to access pre-digested information which is fed to us so that we can make informed consumer decisions; we the people of the United States have the right to health as long as we are consistently confused by what health means and we are dependent on a profit driven industry for our answers. The only real freedom is our minds and hearts acting in unison when making decisions;  and the only way to access that place is thru wisdom and the kind of knowledge which blossoms from sensitivity.

We have accepted money as a means of exchange without accepting there is a governing body which dictates the value of that money; we have accepted a system which puts laws in place with the disguise of acting on the behalf of the constituents which put the law makers in office; we wait around for the government to tell us what is healthy and fit for consumption without taking responsibility for our own bodies. We are all to blame, we have accepted systems which dictate through a powerful and unnecessary military, through the creation of scarcity when we have abundance, and through the symbolic representation of wealth which could amount to nothing if inflation were to get out of hand. Humanity still acts in very desperate ways even though we are supposed to be evolved. We are still being ruled by power structures which have only changed methods and nation names for 6,000 years. Ask yourself is Money really necessary? Do we really need laws?

Money only serves a function and has value if we determine it necessary. The truth is the world would not end without money, people would not become lazy if they had nothing to work for. If we did not have money to work for, and we were just following our individual and collective destinies progress would not be stifled; people would have the opportunity to act from the heart as opposed to desperation and fear. Technology has an untapped potential. Technology can aid us in our progress as human beings, it can free up time which could be used for the purpose of enjoying life and self exploration. The shift here would be moving from a symbolic system of exchange (which is easy manipulated) to a system based on resource availability http://www.thevenusproject.com/. Of course in the utopia I propose there is the potential for abuse and hording (a mentality based on scarcity); but the beauty of competition is that if someone is hoarding resources and there is no exchange of money involved another source for the resource can be found; the Earth truly is a garden of Eden if we just let it.

We don't have to accept any systems which are presently in place because they were created and hence can be destroyed once they are proven corrupt. Presently we live within a system dependent on the consumer for keeping  the wheels turning, however this is a system which ends up consuming the consumer. We are born into this life expected too and trained to pursue money for security, for status, for stuff; in the end we purchase faulty tiny plugs for the cavernous holes in our lives. Our debt has become so outrageous that we have forgotten our passions just for the sake of getting by, where is the freedom in this. The consumer is being consumed by its own supply and demand creature; a creature we feed which ends up feeding on us.


For more information on Kundalini Yoga or Tantra: www.somaarts1.com
Too attend a free Kundalini Yoga class: http://www.meetup.com/Yoga-for-emotional-clearing-Taking-out-the-Karmic-trash/

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