But What Do The Studies Say

Are we all just waiting for Science to verify the fact that we have a body and the body functions in very paticular ways. If i waited for science to verify what to eat, I would just have to stop eating. If I waited for science to verify how to move, I should just remain seated until they say so. If I wait until science validates my life style I would just stop eating the way I intuitively feel is right for me, and end up with one of the many lifestyle diseases currently plaguing developing nations.

Scientific studies are often influenced by the entities which sponsor them in the first place. Many are no more than propaganda. I am not asserting a total lack of legitimacy in the scientific community, I have read many fantastic and helpful studies. Just don't wait around for magic pills and solutions for our lack of prioritization.

Will 200 years of modern science help us discover what it is to be human? No. Awareness of self is the only way to answer such a question. There are techniques for healing our bodies both emotionally and physically which have been in existence for thousands of years. There is something to be said about information which has a legacy. When looking inward and discovering the power each of us possesses we can change the direction our lives are taking instantaneously.

Just ask you yourself?

What if there was no time?
What if there was no distance?
What if there were no words? only sounds

Then sit in a quiet place and bring your awareness to the space between and behind the eyebrows. Notice the thoughts, notice the feelings, then notice that you are watching all the activity. Then consider whats watching. Consciousness has many names. And from this place we can access all the power for heal ourselves and others. Have faith, trust yourself, and let the energy flow.


to schedule a private Yoga Therapy session contatct Akal at somaarts1@gmail.com

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