Movement for the People, 1: Natural Law

What is natural law? It is easier to figure out what natural law is not. Natural law is not paying taxes, credit cards, finances, grocery store food, working on the computer, watching TV, and most anything which leads you further from what is essentially human or is demonstrative and respectful of nature's rhythms. Further from humanity and compassion = further from Source! Man creates constantly, which is very natural for him to do; however, much of what is created does not support life. We fight wars, we use money as a weapon and deny other humans the essentials for life, and we trade good health for endless entertainment. Consider your ego/personality, think of it as a projection. To have a projection you need a lens and a source for light. The interesting thing about the ego is that it is actually very dynamic, the majority of of self help books are designed around refashioning the personality so you no longer are working against yourself.  The light which shines through the lens is actually always present, its the light of all creation which arises from darkness (which is also essential). The lens is the point at which we can directly effect its shape so that the image projected can take on the shape which is most in line with our higher self . Many of us assume our personality is not changeable, however if you reflect back through the years you will notice the ego has shifted as you have grown, the personality is much like a limb of the physical body; it is essential and not the enemy of enlightenment. Enlightenment actually has to do with identification, what we identify with; a we choose who we are, what things we like, where we want to live etc; we choose a trajectory who's path is not controlled but guided (goal setting later). When we identify with lets say a political position or party we essentially become that, and we chose to create a container which we must remain until we make another choice to change our identification. So the lens through which the light shines can change into a circle a square or a triangle or if left unattended it can be foggy. Understanding and aligning with Natural law is essential. As humans we can create meaning around anything, and where there is meaning there are zealots who identify themselves sometimes in a violent manner by their beliefs. Think about racism, which is counter to natural law which does not recognize hierarchy or good vs evil, with racists there is the view of superiority vs inferiority. The racist gets a nice satisfying ego boost from the belief of his superiority, however his abiding by this separatist belief only creates additional separation from source which will only serves to maintain his anger and view of the world as disharmonious. Natural law is that all of us are human and all connected. This is a difficult thing to see sometimes because we often choose to see only a persons superficial features or perhaps we identify them by there personality alone. The personality is a creation and as a creation it is a separation; to an aware individual this separation can be seen for what it truly is and we can allow compassion to show through and illuminate the humanity in us all. Natural law is pro life, it brings us toward the whole. Humanity has been conditioned for a very long time by wars and scarcity. We deep down inside believe that there is not enough, this results in hording, and when we hoard we deny others what is necessary in order to sustain life and to reach self actualization. When we are in fear we cannot see possibilities or we deny up-liftment. The result of maintaining a state of fear or scarcity is we limit our ability to access the higher self and align our decisions with our passions or missions in life.

Yoga aids in changing the shape of the lens we perceive through. When we face pain we are not only facing the physical manifestation but also the mental and emotional. Emotions are energy in motion, when we are angry we are receiving that view from our body. Its the nature of the heart to Feel what is going on around you. The throat is at the point when it turns mental or more subtle/ethereal. When we speak impulsively, without awareness or out of alignment, we essentially etch the belief which was spoken into our psyche, and we project our belief onto the energy body and Psyche of the individual we are speaking with. This only serves to limit you and those in your life.

Natural law IS....the condition in which humanity and the individual operate from a place of sensitivity while respecting each other and the environment which supports life. Sensitivity is cultivated through the process of reconditioning one's beliefs and most of all through meditation.


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